Heads up, Everyone!
The "Glass Roses" eBook will be available for FREE today (Monday the 23rd) for twenty-four hours! You can acquire it on Amazon from 12:00am to 11:59pm Pacific Time.
Here's a link to make it nice and easy: https://www.amazon.com/Glass-Roses-Britain-Kalai-Soderquist-ebook/dp/B017FYWIIK/
If you pick up a copy, let me know what you think of it!
Happy Reading!
Monday, October 23, 2017
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Sneak Peek: "Glass Roses" Audiobook Clip
Hello Everyone!
First, a little housekeeping. "Glass Roses" has officially been reduced to sample chapters on my Wattpad profile. The story has been there for a long time, and now that the official version is gaining momentum, it is time to say goodbye to the rough draft. Don't worry, though! All of the other stories are still on Wattpad for the foreseeable future. :)
"Glass Roses" is now enrolled in Kindle Select, which means it is available in the Kindle Owner's Lending Library. Good news for all you Amazon Prime folks! Those of you who purchase or already own the eBook version should now be able to lend it to people as well. This is an exciting little development in the life of my novel. Thank you for sharing it with me!
Speaking of exciting developments, how would you like a sneak peek at the audiobook for "Glass Roses" while we're talking about it?
Speaking of exciting developments, how would you like a sneak peek at the audiobook for "Glass Roses" while we're talking about it?
Below you will find a sample clip of the audiobook. It contains the entire first letter from Eleanor (my historical take on Cinderella) to her cousin-by-marriage and best friend Isabella (my take on Belle).
It is a surreal experience, hearing the words I lived with for so long in my head spoken out loud by someone else. So many preconceived notions, so much to learn about allowing my opinions and assumptions go so that I can enjoy this exciting new process.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Wattpad Block Party: Post is Live!
Hello Everyone!
Sorry for the hiatus... #momlife.
Now that I'm back, here is an update on what has been going on with my writing. First, the "Glass Roses" audiobook is well into the production phase. My editor says it is about 25% done! I'm expecting it to be released sometime mid-autumn. Late September, early October or so. An excellent time to curl up with an audibook while you sip hot cocoa and knit/crochet a cozy blanket to snuggle with during the coming colder days. Just thinking about it is making me excited already!
I'll be honest, I love summer (the sun, the long days, the warm weather), but autumn has a very special place in my heart. I grew up in New England, surrounded by colorful leaves, wet days, the smells of water, damp earth, and wood fires in the air, a nip in the air that can't really be found anywhere else. I have vivid memories of raking leaves, visiting Plymouth Plantation, pumpkins, warm fires in the kitchen fireplace on especially cold mornings, combined with that exciting "back-to-school" feeling that I loved, both as a home-educated kid and later as a college student. New school supplies, new subjects to study, a fresh start... autumn is a special time of year.
Anyway, back to the writing. The really big thing going on right now is my participation in the Wattpad Block Party. Hosted by Kelly Anne Blount, it is a collection of Wattpad authors who gather for one month to share daily posts about pretty much anything they can think of: writing advice, sneak peeks at new writing, author or character interviews, etc. We are in the middle of the Party right now, with new posts being added every day!

Oh, and before I forget, I am also participating in the giveaways for the event. My prize is one free copy of the "Glass Roses" eBook, and my contest is open internationally.
Head on over to the Wattpad Block Party at this link to check out my post and learn how to enter the giveaway. Don't forget to stick around and check out the posts and giveaways of the other authors as well! There are a lot of really great prizes available, and the posts are varied and interesting.
Until next time!
P.S. Obligatory "Psych" GIF incoming:
P.S. Obligatory "Psych" GIF incoming:
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Major Announcement
Big News!!
I am now officially an author with SAGA Egmont, the digital imprint of Danish publishing house Lindhardt and Ringhof.
This is really exciting news, and I am frankly still a little shocked and amazed that it is happening.
"Glass Roses" is the novel SAGA has licensed, and it will be released as an audiobook later this year, probably sometime in September.
I am grateful for the opportunity SAGA has given me, and I hope our connection will prove to be a positive experience for everyone involved.
In the meantime, get excited! I'm working with a real publisher now!
I am now officially an author with SAGA Egmont, the digital imprint of Danish publishing house Lindhardt and Ringhof.
This is really exciting news, and I am frankly still a little shocked and amazed that it is happening.
"Glass Roses" is the novel SAGA has licensed, and it will be released as an audiobook later this year, probably sometime in September.
I am grateful for the opportunity SAGA has given me, and I hope our connection will prove to be a positive experience for everyone involved.
In the meantime, get excited! I'm working with a real publisher now!
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Let's Talk Twitter
My love for Twitter didn't happen overnight. It took a long time for me to realize just how amazing this platform is for budding authors. Once I did realize it, however, I was quick to take advantage of it. You really should too, which is why I am dedicating a post to talking about how I use Twitter to grow my audience.
Why I Love Twitter
1. Mobility: Using Twitter on my phone means I can publicize myself and my work from literally any location, any time I have a spare minute. As a mom of three very active little children, this is important.
2. Speed: Twitter is about the only publicity I have time for at the moment (without paying an arm and a leg for ads or some kind of help to get the word out), and I need it to be easy, quick, and pithy. 140 character tweets deliver on this big-time.
3. Social Networking: Do you know just how many opportunities there are for indie authors on Twitter right now? There are hashtags that everyone uses: #amwriting and #amediting are probably the biggest ones, but I also like to use #momlife, #momwrites (possibly my invention, lol), and #indieauthors. Lots of literary agencies and publishers are now hosting events called Pitch Days where agents and editors read through tweets tagged with their specific hashtag, looking at 140 characters story pitches. Many individual authors are hosting hashtag games where fellow authors tweet answers to questions or share information about their works-in-progress (WIPs), published works, or themselves. Some of the games I have participated in recently include #WIPjoy #PUBjoy #WIPRevelations #AuthorConfession #WIPTruthOrDare #WIPTunes, and my very own game #ShareWords. These games give authors a chance to find one another, connect, and share snippets of their work without being seen as obnoxious or obtrusive. It's fantastic! As if that wasn't enough, there are also whole accounts dedicated to sharing information about any and all free events where writers can enter contests (some with substantial prizes), pitch their work, and vie for the attention of those who can get us a coveted place in the publishing world we all dream of joining. My favorite account like this is Free Writings Events (or @writevent). And BONUS! The more things you participate in, the more visibility you gain, and the more followers you accrue. Since posting the graphic for my hashtag game, I have gone from 108 followers to 129! It's only been two days!
4. Image Sharing: Twitter is great for sharing pictures of your covers, GIFs that evoke the style of your story, or just using the myriad of digital graphics available to react to and interact with what other authors are tweeting about. It's a fun, colorful, emotive way to participate and show off your unique personality and style, giving people a sense for who you are as an author and an individual.
5. Writing Practice: Keeping my remarks to 140 characters is excellent practice in choosing which words are important to use, and which ones aren't. All writers struggle with superfluous words, and I am no exception. Making a point in a short amount of space is particularly important when it comes to pitch writing. Think that one-page query letter is impossible to actually make one page? Try pitching a 100k word novel with two main characters, two love interests, and two separate plots in a niche genre with only 140 characters. Yeah.
5. Writing Practice: Keeping my remarks to 140 characters is excellent practice in choosing which words are important to use, and which ones aren't. All writers struggle with superfluous words, and I am no exception. Making a point in a short amount of space is particularly important when it comes to pitch writing. Think that one-page query letter is impossible to actually make one page? Try pitching a 100k word novel with two main characters, two love interests, and two separate plots in a niche genre with only 140 characters. Yeah.
Basically, if you aren't on Twitter yet, get on it. You will be glad you did. There is a huge community that I think a lot of people have no idea exists, and it is a fabulous place for authors to engage with one another.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Wattpad Block Party: Summer Edition III
Hey Guys!
I am very excited to announce that I have been invited back to the Wattpad Block Party again! The third Summer Edition will be held during the month of August, and will feature a great list of authors from Wattpad. Kelly Anne Blount will be the hostess, as usual.
For those who don't know what the Wattpad Block Party is, I'll explain. USA Today best-selling author Kelly Anne Blount creates a "book" on her Wattpad profile where she shares the posts that we, the featured authors, create specially for the event. Every day during the month of August will feature a different author. We create all sorts of content for the Party: sneak peek chapters, short stories, Q&A with either ourselves or with some of our characters, major announcements saved just for the event, etc. And we all pitch in to offer a wide variety of giveaway prizes. I've seen everything from chapter critiques/edits to chapter dedications to free books and even European chocolate. Seriously, it's a lot of fun for everyone who participates!
To celebrate being chosen to participate again, I am going to join the Party giveaways and offer up one free copy of the "Glass Roses" eBook from Amazon.
Keep an eye either on my Wattpad profile or here for more information about how to enter the giveaway and which day I will be featured.
And... get ready to party!
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
"Princess of the Peas" First Draft... Complete!
Today is the day! I have finally finished the first draft of "Princess of the Peas," and it is sweet, sweet nice.
I've put my thoughts in the "Acknowledgements" section at the end of the story, since I'm feeling too crazy over the whole thing to write about it at the moment. Short version: I can't believe I finished!! SOOOOOOOO much writer's block! Thank you a million times to my patient readers who waited months for me to get my act together and finish the story. You guys are the best EVER.
Check it out here and see how I wrapped up Kate's culinary adventures with a sweet finish.
Friday, April 7, 2017
"Sea Girl" on Wattpad's TapChat App!
My favorite writing website, Wattpad, recently put out a phone .app specifically geared toward conversation-based storytelling. Apparently there are already a few apps like this one out there, but since I am a big fan of Wattpad, I decided to check this one out. It's called Tap, or TapChat, depending on who you ask. On Twitter, you can follow them using the tag #tapbywattpad.
I currently have three stories available on the app. The first is a bonus scene for my work-in-progress novel "Princess of the Peas." It's meant to be a little extra for fans of the story. It is titled "Damage Control: A 'Princess of the Peas' Moment."
My second story is an on-going retelling of Robin Hood, set in modern-day Boston and featuring some rather heavy political overtones. It is inspired by some of the characterizations in the BBC television series, so fan of the show will probably have a chuckle or two over some of my naming choices. You can find it under the name "Sergeant Hood: Operation Retold."
The third story is also my most popular on the app. It is called "Sea Girl," and is a modern take on the classic tale of "The Little Mermaid." At last look, it had over 100,000 taps and continues to climb. It is also featured under the "magical" category heading.
If you are looking for a quick story, check these out and let me know what you think!
Happy Reading!
My favorite writing website, Wattpad, recently put out a phone .app specifically geared toward conversation-based storytelling. Apparently there are already a few apps like this one out there, but since I am a big fan of Wattpad, I decided to check this one out. It's called Tap, or TapChat, depending on who you ask. On Twitter, you can follow them using the tag #tapbywattpad.
I currently have three stories available on the app. The first is a bonus scene for my work-in-progress novel "Princess of the Peas." It's meant to be a little extra for fans of the story. It is titled "Damage Control: A 'Princess of the Peas' Moment."
My second story is an on-going retelling of Robin Hood, set in modern-day Boston and featuring some rather heavy political overtones. It is inspired by some of the characterizations in the BBC television series, so fan of the show will probably have a chuckle or two over some of my naming choices. You can find it under the name "Sergeant Hood: Operation Retold."
The third story is also my most popular on the app. It is called "Sea Girl," and is a modern take on the classic tale of "The Little Mermaid." At last look, it had over 100,000 taps and continues to climb. It is also featured under the "magical" category heading.
If you are looking for a quick story, check these out and let me know what you think!
Happy Reading!
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Short Story Day!
Hey Everyone!
Today is the big day... the day when my short story retelling of "Swan Lake" goes live on Wattpad! It is the eleventh entry in @_Once_Upon's "30 Tales of Spring" Anthology. We've already seen some really amazing stories from ten other authors, and there are still more to come between now and the end of the month. I have been very impressed with the creativity that has been on display in these spring-themed retellings, and I think you will be too.
In other news, I have recently decided to give Wattpad's new TapChat app a try, and boy, is it fun! For those who haven't heard about apps like this before, here is a quick breakdown. Writers create stories that are told exclusively in chat format. Text, IMs, that kind of chatting. They can keep everything in one scene, or break it up into multiple scenes that indicate location or character changes, or even just the passage of time between one part of a conversation to the next. Readers then "tap" through the story, following the conversation as though it were happening in real time.
I've got two stories up on my Tap account so far. The first is a bonus scene called "Damage Control: A 'Princess of the Peas' Moment," featuring Henry and Alice and their damage control plans after Kate learns that she is still competing in the culinary competition after believing she had been eliminated. It's short, sweet, and is meant to give a little insight into the characters while readers wait for the next chapter update.
The second story is one I've been trying to find a way to tell for a long time. It's called "Sergeant Hood: Operation Retold." Of course it is a modern-day Robin Hood retelling, starring Sergeant Robert Hood, a modern-day member of the American military who comes home from deployment to find that the government has been drastically undermining American liberties while he was overseas. I've gone over a zillion ways to tell this story, but haven't found the right tone yet. With Tap, however, I have a perfect venue to start working out some of the more basic elements of the idea. Pairing the whole thing down to just conversations and characterizations has been a fascinating and enlightening experience. I'm definitely looking forward to working more with Tap in the future.
Check out all of these new stories at the links provided above!
Happy Reading!
Today is the big day... the day when my short story retelling of "Swan Lake" goes live on Wattpad! It is the eleventh entry in @_Once_Upon's "30 Tales of Spring" Anthology. We've already seen some really amazing stories from ten other authors, and there are still more to come between now and the end of the month. I have been very impressed with the creativity that has been on display in these spring-themed retellings, and I think you will be too.
In other news, I have recently decided to give Wattpad's new TapChat app a try, and boy, is it fun! For those who haven't heard about apps like this before, here is a quick breakdown. Writers create stories that are told exclusively in chat format. Text, IMs, that kind of chatting. They can keep everything in one scene, or break it up into multiple scenes that indicate location or character changes, or even just the passage of time between one part of a conversation to the next. Readers then "tap" through the story, following the conversation as though it were happening in real time.
I've got two stories up on my Tap account so far. The first is a bonus scene called "Damage Control: A 'Princess of the Peas' Moment," featuring Henry and Alice and their damage control plans after Kate learns that she is still competing in the culinary competition after believing she had been eliminated. It's short, sweet, and is meant to give a little insight into the characters while readers wait for the next chapter update.
The second story is one I've been trying to find a way to tell for a long time. It's called "Sergeant Hood: Operation Retold." Of course it is a modern-day Robin Hood retelling, starring Sergeant Robert Hood, a modern-day member of the American military who comes home from deployment to find that the government has been drastically undermining American liberties while he was overseas. I've gone over a zillion ways to tell this story, but haven't found the right tone yet. With Tap, however, I have a perfect venue to start working out some of the more basic elements of the idea. Pairing the whole thing down to just conversations and characterizations has been a fascinating and enlightening experience. I'm definitely looking forward to working more with Tap in the future.
Check out all of these new stories at the links provided above!
Happy Reading!
Monday, March 6, 2017
"30 Tales of Spring" on Wattpad
Hey Guys!

Now that it is March, I am excited to talk a bit about the project I am participating in this month. It is an anthology of stories that are centered around fairy tales and springtime. Thirty authors were chosen by invitation and through a contest, and each has written a short story (2,000-4,000 words). The anthology is titled "30 Tales of Spring," and it is hosted by the ambassador-run fairy tale account on Wattpad, @_Once_Upon.
The ambassadors are doing incredible work in bringing the fairy tale-writing community together on Wattpad. When I first joined the site two years ago, there wasn't much recognition by the community at large of fairy tale retellings. The sheer popularity of the genre, however, has inspired an effort to make it more visible to readers and writers alike. @_Once_Upon shares insights into the history of various tales, runs contests to encourage writers to create more content, and acts as a central location for fans of the genre to unite. It is especially fun to have been invited to participate in one of their first anthologies. Hopefully there will be more opportunities like this in the future to support their great work.
So, how can you get in on the action and read the stories in the anthology for yourself? Simply visit the @_Once_Upon page every day during the month of March, and you will be treated to fresh, original content until the month ends! Don't have time to read every day? Not a problem! The anthology will be available to read in its entirety even after the month is over.
I particularly recommend that you check out "Daughter of Spring" by Ffion (@welshfoxglove) and "Mildew and Dimwit" by Sarah Penney (@Pennywithaney). Both are friends of mine, and their stories are delightfully fun.

What is my contribution, you ask? I'm glad you did, because I am really excited about it! My story is being featured on March 11th, and it is my very first attempt at writing an actual short story. The story is a modern retelling of the story/ballet "Swan Lake." I have plans to either expand it into a novella or novelette, or to write some more short stories for an anthology of my own. I haven't decided yet. The story is set in Boston, my home city, and home to the iconic Swan Boats that take tourists for rides around the lake in the Public Garden. Boston is especially beautiful in the spring, and I have been looking for an opportunity to set a story there for quite some time. I won't say anything else about it, since it will be out in a few days, but please make sure to leave a comment on it when you read it and let me know what you think!
For now, check out the inspiration board I made for the story on Pinterest, as well as this peek at the cover I designed.
Happy Reading!
Monday, February 20, 2017
The Pinterest Storyboard Party
Hey Guys!
Today's post is an especially fun one, as I am participating in a little event called the Pinterest Storyboard Party. It is hosted by Elisabeth G. Foley, a fellow indie author. The idea is simple: anyone who wants to participate simply writes a blog post featuring widgets of their writing-related Pinterest boards, then shares the link on Elisabeth's blog. You can write a little bit about each board you share, and you can choose whether to share boards for completed works, works in progress, or just ideas you are dreaming up for future stories.
If you've found me through Elisabeth's blog, welcome! Check out my works post below this one, and feel free to jump over to my social media links if you want to learn a little more about me. :)
For my post, I've decided to focus on some of my more visually dynamic boards. These are all for current/future projects.
First up is the board I created for Thorns, my modern take on the classic Beauty and the Beast. I have four chapters available on my Wattpad page, and a sneak peek chapter from the end of the book that will be posted on Sunday, February 26th as part of Kelly Anne Blount's Wattpad Block Party: Winter Edition III.
As you can see, I am going for a gardening theme. You will also notice that most of my stories find excuses for the heroine to wear fabulous gowns in various styles. It isn't a fairytale without an excuse to dress up like a princess, even in the modern era. Many of the images I've collected here are a reflection of my dream garden. Also, I've got plans to include a hedge maze in the story, hence why there are so many pictures of some really incredible mazes. Stained glass will hopefully be playing a part as well, as a nod to the original Disney artwork. This board is a good example of how my ideas about a story evolve the more I think about the setting and tone. The board starts out fun and happy with very Disney vibes, and gradually grows a little more mature as it goes along.
And while I am talking about the Wattpad Block Party, check out all of the cool stories that are being featured!
And while I am talking about the Wattpad Block Party, check out all of the cool stories that are being featured!
Next is the board I made for my first-ever short story, titled Swan Lake: A Retelling. This was written for an anthology of short stories that will be posted every day throughout the month of March. It is called 30 Tales of Spring, and is being sponsored by the ambassador-run _Once_Upon fairytale account on Wattpad.
I am trying to branch into modern settings, since my first novel is historical. For this little tale, I decided to set the action in my home city of Boston. The Public Garden and its iconic Swan Boats, as well as the close proximity to the Boston Opera House (where my story's version of the ball takes place) were just too perfect to pass up. I have plans to expand this story into a novella or a novelette once the anthology has been out for a while.
The board for Princess of the Peas is one I am especially proud of, as it really reflects the things I am trying to infuse into the story. It is also my most delicious board by far.
I think the Seattle location is particularly fitting for this story, since there is a strong foodie culture there. I fell in love with the PNW during my three years there, and I hope to go back regularly. It is a special place. I do have to be careful when I look at this board, though. Most of the time I come away feeling extremely hungry. ;)
To finish, here is one of my historical fiction/fairytale boards. This story is a little far down the schedule, but I am excited to tackle it when the time comes.
Eventually this will be a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood that is set during the Revolutionary War. I love this period in our history, having grown up in Boston, and I feel that there is a lack of fictional material for young people discussing the ideas that guided our forefathers to fight for independence. I've wanted to write a story set in this time for ages, but the plot I came up with felt stale until I had a brainwave and realized it would work brilliantly as a retelling of the most famous red cloak in the fairytale world.
To finish, here is one of my historical fiction/fairytale boards. This story is a little far down the schedule, but I am excited to tackle it when the time comes.
Eventually this will be a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood that is set during the Revolutionary War. I love this period in our history, having grown up in Boston, and I feel that there is a lack of fictional material for young people discussing the ideas that guided our forefathers to fight for independence. I've wanted to write a story set in this time for ages, but the plot I came up with felt stale until I had a brainwave and realized it would work brilliantly as a retelling of the most famous red cloak in the fairytale world.
Well, that's it! I could go on, but I think it's best to keep the post from getting too long. Check out my other boards (writing related and otherwise) and leave me a comment to let me know which stories you are most excited about!
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for visiting!
Saturday, February 11, 2017
My Works
I thought it would be nice to have a post that is dedicated to my writing projects. My current writing platform is Wattpad, a wonderful website where writers of all kinds can post their work and gain followers and feedback, and encourage one another in accomplishing their writing goals. I have been posting my work to Wattpad for a few years now, and I absolutely love the community there.
So, without further ado, here is my list of current works:
Title: "Glass Roses: A Victorian Fairytale"
Status: Available on Amazon

A chance meeting at a ball introduces the lovely and accomplished Eleanor to a handsome Austrian Baron. He is charmed by her beauty and goodness, but her stepsisters are jealous of her royal suitor, and Eleanor's dreams of happiness may be swept away forever by their vicious schemes for revenge.
Feisty Isabella, meanwhile, learns that not all is as it seems when she and her father become the guests of a surly and reclusive Scottish Duke. His rough manners hide a kind heart, but his mysterious past may prove too tempting for Isabella to ignore.
Set in Victorian England and beyond, where etiquette reigns and fairy godmothers are noticeably absent, cousins Eleanor and Isabella are left with only their wits, good manners, and accomplishments to secure the happy endings they both desire.
Title: "Apple Blossoms: A Regency Fairytale" (FCRAs 2016 Winner)
Status: Completed First Draft on Wattpad

Margaret Kingston is the most sought-after young lady of the London Season. Her wealth and beauty have no equal. But her hopes of making a suitable match are quickly dashed by Walter Boland, the stepbrother of her dearest friend Bianca. With help from a roguish Marquis, Walter attempts to convince Margaret to marry him, threatening to ruin her reputation in the process. Margaret's parents decide the only solution is to send Margaret into hiding. Deep in the Welsh countryside, she assumes a new identity under the watchful eye of her mother's three maiden aunts, and meets the handsome Colonel Arthur Phillips, a Light Dragoon who served in the Napoleonic War. As their romance blossoms, Margaret shares her thoughts with Bianca through their correspondence.
Bianca, meanwhile, has her hands full as she foils Walter's search for her friend, and attempts to protect the gentlemen of London from the wiles of her beautiful but cruel stepmother. Her partner in the endeavor is another military man, Captain Edward Winters, and together they succeed in chasing away a flock of her stepmother's potential suitors. Everything is going according to plan until Bianca's enthusiasm for the pranks goes too far, causing Edward to question whether it is Bianca or her stepmother whose behavior is suspect.
Set in Regency-era England and Wales, and inspired by Mozart's "Don Giovanni," and Jane Austen's little-known work "Lady Susan," this is another historical retelling of two classic fairytales: "Sleeping Beauty" and "Snow White."
Title: "Princess of the Peas: A Modern Retelling"
Status: In-Progress Draft on Wattpad

When Kate almost burns down the apartment, Alice insists she get help. Reluctantly, Kate agrees to sign up for classes at the newly opened Magical Culinary Arts Academy. The Academy's sole instructor is a young man named Henry St Martin, son of the famous chefs Pierre and Amelie St Martin. He dreams of sharing his love of good food and magic with others through teaching. Kate quickly catches his vision and begins writing about her classes for the magazine. Interviews turn into dates and Kate's heart is stolen by Henry's patient manner and green eyes.
But their romance may be doomed to fall as flat as Kate's soufflés when Henry's parents intervene. Convinced that Henry will lose interest in Kate if he is introduced to more eligible (and talented) girls, his parents decide to up the ante for this year's annual St Martin Foundation Women's Culinary Arts Contest: the winner will receive a $500,000 grant for their sponsoring culinary school. The catch? Henry's school may only participate if Kate is the competing chef.
Kate is determined to conquer her kitchen curse, but it will take more than a month of cooking classes to be crowned this year's "Princess of the Peas." The pressure is on and the kitchen is heating up fast. Can she and Henry whip up a solution impressive enough to beat his parents at their own game?
Status: In-Progress Draft on Wattpad
Description: Beatrice is a young landscape gardener who has just been assigned to work on the estate of the mysterious Mr. Warren. It is a dream job, and Beat
rice has longed to work there for ages. But when she arrives, Mr. Warren flies into a rage over her presence on the estate. Why is he so adamant that his new gardener not be a woman? Why does everyone keep saying that she cannot leave the estate? And what exactly are the terms of the mysterious will that require her new employer to spend time getting to know someone he obviously detests?
Title: "Black Pearls: A Tahitian Legend Retold"
Status: In-Progress Draft on Wattpad

Manua is the only one who understands her worries, but their friendship begins to dwindle as they grow older. Why is he so obsessed with his pearl diving? What happened to the friend Teufi could always confide in? Matahi seems willing to fill the gap his brother has left, but Teufi is reluctant to let him in.
Then comes the betrothal day, when Matahi makes a bold declaration: he will bring Teufi a pearl that is as beautiful as the one the god Oro gave to her mother. Now he and Manua must embark on a perilous journey to seek for a legendary pearl that may not even exist, while Teufi remains at home to battle with her mixed feelings for the two brothers and discover why the people are suddenly stirring up in revolt against her chieftain father.
Set on the atolls of French Polynesia, this retelling of the traditional Tahitian black pearl legend weaves together the emotional upheaval of young love, the realities of war and death, and the beauty of the Tahitian culture.
Title: "Shards of Reality: A Cinderella Story"
Status: In-Progress Draft on Wattpad
Description: Eleanor Ashford is a professional video gamer. Her team, Diamond Gaming, is competing to earn a place at the world championships for the hottest game in virtual reality gaming. Between jealous gaming housemates, dates with the prince of game developers, and the competition itself, will Ella be able to find a balance between the real world and the virtual one?
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the official blog for Britain Kalai Books! Here you find news about my current works, future projects, contests, giveaways, and other updates. There are several fun things happening in the next few weeks, so let's dive right in.

My feature day is February 26th, and I have prepared a sneak peek chapter for a story I am working on over on my Wattpad profile. My giveaway is already live; you can check it out here.

I won't go into too much detail about my contribution just yet, but I can tell you that it will be a modern retelling of a story that isn't told very often, it will be set in the city of Boston (my home city), and will be in short story format (like the rest of the stories in the anthology). This is my first official short story, so bear with me if I seem a little stiff in the format.

That's it for now! Keep your eyes peeled for my next post and for upcoming events!
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