Friday, April 7, 2017

"Sea Girl" on Wattpad's TapChat App!


My favorite writing website, Wattpad, recently put out a phone .app specifically geared toward conversation-based storytelling. Apparently there are already a few apps like this one out there, but since I am a big fan of Wattpad, I decided to check this one out. It's called Tap, or TapChat, depending on who you ask. On Twitter, you can follow them using the tag #tapbywattpad.

I currently have three stories available on the app. The first is a bonus scene for my work-in-progress novel "Princess of the Peas." It's meant to be a little extra for fans of the story. It is titled "Damage Control: A 'Princess of the Peas' Moment."

My second story is an on-going retelling of Robin Hood, set in modern-day Boston and featuring some rather heavy political overtones. It is inspired by some of the characterizations in the BBC television series, so fan of the show will probably have a chuckle or two over some of my naming choices. You can find it under the name "Sergeant Hood: Operation Retold."

The third story is also my most popular on the app. It is called "Sea Girl," and is a modern take on the classic tale of "The Little Mermaid." At last look, it had over 100,000 taps and continues to climb. It is also featured under the "magical" category heading.

If you are looking for a quick story, check these out and let me know what you think!

Happy Reading!